Chances are you're great at juggling a million tasks. Impressive, yes—but that doesn't mean you have to!

Feeling Overwhelmed?
We Understand.

Life as a high-achieving, Type A woman often feels like a relentless race. You're juggling work, family, and social obligations while trying to maintain personal well-being. Despite your efforts, you feel chronically overwhelmed and exhausted.

Searching for Balance? You're Not Alone.

Finding balance is a constant battle. Career demands encroach on personal time, leaving you disconnected from loved ones. You long for quality time and personal passions, but it feels impossible.

Struggling to Relax?
We Can Help.

We understand the struggle of feeling like you can't relax or feeling guilty when you do. It’s hard to let others help, so you end up doing everything yourself. Our program provides practical tools and strategies to help you embrace rest, delegate with confidence, and transform your life.

Tried Everything But Still Tired? We Understand.

You've probably tried all the common advice out there to boost your energy levels, and it's frustrating when nothing seems to stick. Maybe you've followed strict diets, hoping that cutting out certain foods or adopting the latest superfood trend would be the key to feeling more energetic. While healthy eating is important, it's not a magic bullet. The stress of maintaining a perfect diet can sometimes add to your exhaustion, making you feel even more drained.

You've likely experimented with various exercise routines, pushing yourself to hit the gym or go to yoga every week. Exercise is crucial for health, but when you're already running on empty, intense workouts can feel like another burden rather than a solution. Finding the right balance between activity and rest is tricky, and over-exercising can actually leave you feeling more fatigued, not less.

And then there's the endless stream of productivity hacks and time management techniques. You've tried planners, apps, and to-do lists, hoping to squeeze more efficiency out of your day. But these tools often don't address the root cause of your fatigue. Instead, they can make you feel like you're constantly falling behind, trying to do more in an already packed schedule. It's not about doing more; it's about doing what matters most and finding balance.

I understand how frustrating it is to try solution after solution without seeing the results you want. Effortless Energy is different. We focus on helping you do less while achieving more by prioritizing and simplifying your life. It's about creating sustainable changes that bring real, lasting energy and fulfillment. Let us help you find the balance and free time you've been seeking.

Imagine the consequences of continuing to navigate life without the energy and health you deserve.

Without addressing the root causes of your fatigue, you risk burning yourself out, needing to take time off work (and I know how much that idea pains you) or really struggling to be the mom and partner you imagined you’d be. Feeling tired and moody can create distance and tension, not to mention the guilt you feel and losing your shit on your kids or your partner. I know where the status quo will lead you: continually struggling to keep up, feeling depleted and unable to fully engage in what matters most. Don't let fatigue rob you of the chance to thrive and live life to the fullest. It's time to reclaim your energy and actually start living. 

  • Imagine waking up each morning feeling refreshed and energized, and excited about what’s on your schedule for today. 

  • Picture effortlessly balancing work and personal life, with time to enjoy hobbies and activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Visualize deep emotional and physical connections with loved ones, fostering a sense of inner peace and contentment, free from constant fatigue.

  • Envision confidently pursuing your goals and dreams, positively influencing those around you with your vibrant energy. Imagine achieving professional success without compromising your well-being or personal priorities.

Inside Effortless Energy, this vibrant, balanced life awaits you. Discover sustainable strategies to combat fatigue, restore harmony, and nurture your health and happiness. Harness your natural drive to create a fulfilling life.

Hey, I'm Dr. Sarah

Naturopathic Doctor, boy mom to an athletic 8 year old, avid reader, strong coffee lover.

As a recovering productivity obsessed high-achieving, classic first born child, I’m here to help you reclaim your health and energy by putting less shit you hate on your to-do list.

But let’s be honest, it took me a while to get here.

For the first three decades of my life, I thrived as a straight-A student who went from university straight into naturopathic medical school (so I was in school until I was 28!). I even launched my own clinic when my son was just 3 months old!

However, the pursuit of constant achievement left me feeling perpetually exhausted and unfulfilled. It wasn't until the pandemic forced me to slow down that I had a major realization: my self-worth isn't tied to my productivity. This breakthrough transformed my approach to life. Now, I prioritize listening to my body, maintaining a balanced to-do list, and embracing rest just as much as work. I'm more present with my family and have learned the power of saying 'no' to what doesn't serve me.

Having worked with 1000s of women over the past 14 years, I'm passionate about helping my fellow high achieving, go-getter women find their balance, set healthy boundaries, and redefine success on their own terms. I've seen incredible transformations in those I've worked with, from improved sleep to a more joyful approach to motherhood. I'm excited to share my journey and insights with you all!

How Doing Less Gives You More Energy

With our signature SPEAK method, you’ll learn to give your body exactly what it needs and drop the confusion and overwhelm of trying to do it all.

SYNCH: Harness Your Natural Energy Cycles
Unlock the secrets of your body’s natural rhythms to boost your energy effortlessly. Dive deep into cortisol balancing and learn to leverage your daily, monthly, and seasonal cycles. Turn your hormones into your superpower and achieve sustainable vitality.

PAUSE: Embrace the Art of Rest and Recovery
To truly listen to your body, you must learn the art of slowing down and resting without guilt. Discover the seven types of rest and master the skill of calming your mind and body. Transform sleep into your superpower, ensuring you have abundant energy reserves for every day’s challenges.

EXAMINE: Audit Your Time and Energy Investments
It’s time for a candid evaluation of how you spend your precious time and energy. Identify activities and relationships that fuel you versus those that drain you. Embrace the power of saying no confidently, allowing you to do less and reclaim valuable energy reserves.

ALIGN: Clarify Your Priorities and Values
Define what truly matters to you. Break free from the autopilot mode and align your actions with your authentic desires. By eliminating tasks you dislike, you’ll rediscover your true self and stop resenting the demands of others.

(re) KINDLE: Ignite Your Inner Spark
Tune into your body’s signals and cultivate habits that reignite your passion and enthusiasm for life. Infuse each day with purpose and anticipation, revitalizing your energy and reconnecting with the joy of living authentically.

The Effortless Way

Unlock the secrets to reclaiming your energy and balance in "
The Effortless Way" module. This isn't just an introduction—it's your gateway to identifying your true priorities, stopping the cycle of overfunctioning, and embracing the power of doing less.

Once you embrace this effortless approach, the journey to sustained energy and well-being becomes clearer than ever.

  • Identifying Your Priority: Pinpoint what truly matters to you, allowing you to focus your energy on what brings the most fulfillment.
  • Stop Overfunctioning: Learn strategies to break free from the trap of doing too much and start achieving more by doing less.
  • Tapping into Feminine Energy: Embrace the strength and wisdom of your feminine energy, using it to nurture and restore balance in your life.
  • Energy Audit: Conduct a thorough audit of your energy inputs and outputs, identifying activities that invigorate you and those that drain you.

By the end of The Effortless Way you'll walk away with:

A clear understanding of your priorities, practical strategies to reduce overfunctioning, and a newfound ability to harness your feminine energy for a more balanced, vibrant life.

Module One: SYNCH

  • Natural Energy Cycles: Dive deep into understanding your body's natural rhythms to maximize energy naturally.
  • Cortisol Balancing: Master techniques to manage cortisol levels throughout the day, enhancing sleep, mood, and energy.
  • Harnessing Hormonal Power: Learn to align with daily, monthly, and seasonal cycles to leverage your hormones as a source of strength.

By the end of Module One you'll walk away with:

A profound understanding of your body's energy cycles and practical strategies to synchronize with them effectively.

Module Two: PAUSE

  • Types of Rest: Explore seven essential types of rest and learn how each contributes to your overall well-being.
  • Sleep Optimization: Transform sleep into a rejuvenating experience, ensuring you wake up refreshed and energized.
  • Stress Management: Develop strategies to pause and recharge, preventing burnout and enhancing resilience.

By the end of Module Two you'll walk away with:

The ability to listen to your body's signals for rest and recovery, empowering you to maintain optimal energy levels daily.

Module Three: EXAMINE

  • Time and Energy Audit: Evaluate how you spend your time and energy, identifying what energizes versus drains you.
  • Setting Boundaries: Master the art of saying no and setting boundaries to protect your energy reserves.
  • Optimizing Productivity: Streamline your tasks and commitments to focus on what truly matters, freeing up energy for meaningful pursuits.

By the end of Module Three you'll walk away with:

Clarity on where to invest your energy for maximum fulfillment and effectiveness in your daily life.

Module Four: ALIGN

  • Values and Priorities: Clarify your core values and align your actions with what matters most to you.
  • Authentic Living: Embrace authenticity by shedding activities that don't align with your true self, fostering genuine happiness and fulfillment.
  • Relationships: Cultivate relationships that support and nourish you, enhancing your overall well-being and energy levels.

By the end of Module Four you'll walk away with:

A renewed sense of purpose and alignment with your true desires, leading to increased energy and fulfillment in all aspects of life.

Module Five: (re)KINDLE

  • Habit Formation: Develop sustainable habits that ignite your passion and energy, making each day purposeful and fulfilling.
  • Joyful Living: Infuse joy into your daily routines and activities, revitalizing your spirit and enhancing overall happiness.
  • Long-term Sustainability: Create a roadmap for maintaining high energy levels and well-being over the long term, ensuring continued vitality and zest for life.

By the end of Module Five you'll walk away with:

A personalized plan to sustain high energy levels and live each day with enthusiasm and anticipation.


Your Fatigue Fingerprint Masterclass
(Valued at $350)

Discover the secrets to understanding and overcoming fatigue with this enlightening masterclass.

  • Identify Your Fatigue Type: Learn about the five most common types of fatigue that high-achieving women face.
  • Personalized Insights: Understand which lab tests can provide critical insights into your unique fatigue profile.
  • Actionable Strategies: Gain practical tips and strategies tailored to your specific type of fatigue to restore your energy.


Unlock Your Body Clock with Dr. Leigha Saunders Masterclass

(Valued at $450) 

Uncover the power of your natural sleep style and optimize your daily routines for peak performance.

  • Discover Your Sleep Style: Find out your natural sleep patterns and how to work with them, not against them.
  • Optimize Your Schedule: Learn the best times for waking up, going to bed, exercising, and being productive based on your body clock.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from Dr. Leigha Saunders' expertise to enhance your sleep quality and overall well-being.


Create Your Bedroom Sanctuary with Dr. Dominika Zareczny, ND Masterclass

(Valued at $300) 

Transform your bedroom into a sanctuary that promotes a calm and balanced nervous system.

  • Understanding the Nervous System: Gain insights into how many women respond to stress, not just by going into "fight or flight," but more often into "freeze" or "fawn." Dr. Dominika Zarzeczny explains why overwhelm can drain your energy, focus, and motivation, making it challenging to adopt new habits.
  • Setting Up Your Space: Learn how to create a physical environment that supports a calm nervous system, fostering relaxation and restful sleep.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from Dr. Dominika Zarzeczny's expertise in understanding the link between your nervous system and your surroundings, empowering you to make changes that enhance your well-being and energy levels.

Effortless Energy Membership
(you can cancel anytime, I only want you to stay if you LOVE it)

Join us for $47/month
(get 2 months free if you get the annual membership)

With this membership you'll get:

  • Instant access the library of video lessons to learn my signature SPEAK system (they're short and sweet so you can watch while you walk or prep dinner)
  • Monthly LIVE Group Coaching with Dr. Sarah (recordings available)
    (these happen on the second Thursday night of the month from 7-8pm EST)
  • Monthly Q&A with Dr. Sarah about fixing your fatigue
  • Monthly "do less" challenges to help you get into the spirit of doing less (I promise it feels so good once you start!)
  • Resource guides + downloads
  • Effortless Energy AM & PM Journal 
  • Private Community of Like-Minded Women (who are here to cheer you on!)

Join the Effortless Energy community for just $47 per month

(all that for less than the cost of one 15-minute one-on-one appointment with me)

I'm ready to tap into Effortless Energy

Don't believe Effortless Energy is possible?

Take it from our students...

The Coffee Cup Guarantee

I'm so convinced that you'll be blown away by Effortless Energy, that if you're not willing to pour your morning cup of coffee down the drain in exchange for the knowledge you've gained, I'll give you ALL YOUR MONEY BACK.

Ask for a refund anytime - no questions asked or hoops to jump through.

I'm ready for better energy

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this membership designed for?

This membership is for women who are trying to do it all but frustrated by fatigue and ready to create a new level of health for themselves by reconnecting to their body and listening to their intuition. You are committed to your health and are ready to start trusting yourself and letting your body guide you towards more energy, calm and confidence.

Who can join Effortless Energy?

This program is 100% online so you can join from anywhere. You'll get INSTANT access to the course platform and video lessons. Every month, Dr Sarah will recommend which lessons to watch to support the topics we're learning about (they are all 25 minutes or less). If you're tired of being tired and ready to really prioritize your health, then come join us! This program is educational, insightful, supportive and like our student Holly said "just the right amount of sugar and sass!"

How long do I have to stay?

We hope you'll find the content and community helpful and stick around, but you can cancel anytime you want (no questions asked)

When are the monthly LIVE coaching calls?

  • The 2nd Thursday of every month from 7-8 PM EST.

Can't make it live? No problem, you'll get access to a recording but the magic is in the conversations (Which aren't recorded)

How much time do I need to set aside for this program?

You're busy! I get it...but I also know that people who set aside time each week for their health are the ones who get the results they want. It is recommended that you expect to spend about 1 hour each week to watch the recorded lessons and put your learning into action. Taking action is what gets you results so you'll get lots of practical tips and tricks that you can fit into your busy life.

Can I get insurance coverage?

Since this is an educational program (and does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship with Dr. Sarah Vadeboncoeur ND), it is not eligable for insurance coverage.

Is There A Refund Policy?

Yes, please see the Coffee Cup Guarantee just above. The tl;dr version is: if you're not satisfied for any reason, we'l offer you a 100% refund, no questions asked!

What If I Have Questions Or Need Support?

Once enrolled you’ll receive information from us on how best to contact us via email for questions about the coursework, or our technical support team for any system (online access or performance) issues. You will also be able to submit and ask questions during the monthly coaching calls, and through our private What's App chat.

Take the First Step Towards a Life of Effortless Energy

I know firsthand how exhausting it can be to juggle countless responsibilities, striving to excel in every area of life while feeling like there's never enough time or energy. It's all too easy to fall into the trap of thinking you have to do more to be more, but I'm here to tell you that there’s a better way. A way that allows you to reclaim your energy, refocus your priorities, and truly thrive.

Imagine waking up each day feeling refreshed, with a clear sense of purpose and excitement for what's ahead. Picture yourself having the energy to not only tackle your to-do list but also to enjoy the activities and people you love most. This isn’t just a dream—it’s a reality waiting for you, and it starts with taking the first step.

The journey to effortless energy and balance begins with making a commitment to yourself. It’s about understanding that your worth isn’t tied to your productivity and that true success comes from aligning with your natural rhythms and priorities. You deserve to feel vibrant, fulfilled, and in control of your life.

If you’re ready to break free from the cycle of constant hustle and embrace a more balanced, energized, and joyful way of living, then this course is your path forward. Together, we’ll explore practical strategies and insights that will transform how you approach your health, your time, and your energy. Take this opportunity to invest in yourself—you’re worth it, and the life you’ve always dreamed of is just a step away. Let’s do this together!

Effortless Energy Membership
(you can cancel anytime, I only want you to stay if you LOVE it)

Join us for $47/month
(get 2 months free if you get the annual membership)

With this membership you'll get:

  • Instant access the library of video lessons to learn my signature SPEAK system (they're short and sweet so you can watch while you walk or prep dinner)
  • Monthly LIVE Group Coaching with Dr. Sarah (recordings available)
    (these happen on the second Thursday night of the month from 7-8pm EST)
  • Monthly Q&A with Dr. Sarah about fixing your fatigue
  • Monthly "do less" challenges to help you get into the spirit of doing less (I promise it feels so good once you start!)
  • Resource guides + downloads
  • Effortless Energy AM & PM Journal 
  • Private Community of Like-Minded Women (who are here to cheer you on!)

Join the Effortless Energy community for just $47 per month

(all that for less than the cost of one 15-minute one-on-one appointment with me)